#14 Matthewbob says
/Now where was I, Oh Yes. The eighties were good for The Bobs. We began our first of many collaborations with modern dance companies which would be inspirational for the songs that came out at this time. The song cycles began with the Oberlin Dance Collective of San Francisco. There is something that worked between modern dancers and The Bobs music and style. ODC danced the first song cycle called of course "The Laundry Cycle". Signs on the Line, Dictator in a Polo Shirt and Share a Load and Pounded on a Rock were some of the songs in that cycle. The LA Actors Theater did the "Weather Cycle". My favorite from that cycle was "Deep Ow" written by Richard who also sang the lead. It was about the draught in California at the time which was in it's 3rd or 4th year. Very Spooky tune!
We also met Nancy Covey who booked us in McCabes Guitar Shop music series she had started. It's still there in Santa Monica and still an important venue for great music. This was also when we met famed guitarist Richard Thompson who would get us invited to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1986.